the apocalypse will take place in a mall

For years now I have a recurring dream which takes place in a very large building. Sometimes its a bit like this old high school I had wrestling at, sometimes its a labyrinthine locker room which is blue—dripping water everywhere. Sometimes its a bit like a mall, but an old mall that's full of oddball stores. It's always cast in a somewhat yellowed or cyan hue like videos from the 80s. And always low or bad lighting.

Now, for the past couple years, I'll spend about half the year working on-site someplace and the other half I'm working from home. I start to get excited after a few months of working on-site, because I know pretty soon I'll be able to rent all those bad movies that T won't watch with me. So back in march I was gearing up for a zombie fest. I started with Day of the Dead and moved on to Night of the Living Dead and then the pinnacle of zombie flicks, Dawn of the Dead (the original mind you). I decided to watch the extended version which would keep me company for a few hours as I drew.

So, I'm sitting there drawing, watching Dawn of the Dead and I'm kinda freakin' out. In that way you do when your home alone drawing—it looks like nothing has changed. Now I can't remember ever seeing this flick before, but this movie is just like those dreams I keep having! It's creepy, sometimes horrific, generally tacky, but oddly comforting... what's it all mean?
