The Creature is a a true tragic monster in this movie. While attempting to fend off his captors he mistakenly douses himself with gasoline and is lit on fire. Woops! The doctors take him back to the lab and bring him back to health. The Creature's scales have been burnt off and his gills have closed. The doctors perform a tracheotomy and the Creature begins breathing with his lungs! Wow. His flesh becomes much like human skin. (He also seems to have doubled in size.)
The Creature longs for the lagoon though. It turns out he's a peaceful creature, he just doesn't like bullies. Or people who decided to burn him alive and drag him up on land. So its a great flick, as you can tell. The puzzlement for me with all these movies is—why is the Creature so interested in women (human)? Frankenstein just wanted a woman like himself. The Wolfman just goes crazy. But, the both of them are essentially human. The Creature is a fish-man! Really more fish than man. The man in fish-man has the same definition as man in ape-man. Why is King Kong so into blondes?...