I decided to count the pages left in the Face-A-Day sketchbook. It looks like the F.A.D. Program will end in early August—what have I gotten myself into!? As I go along, I've been writing little poems to accompany the drawings. Once everything is finished I'll compile all the faces and poems into a book. In the end it will be over 200 faces! (So, look for the book this fall.)
This guy is one of the many caffeinated zombies which will appear in my new picture book, Caffeinated Zombie. With everything else that's going on at the moment, figure that will be ready this summer.
Currently I'm putting the finishing touches on 1 Story, 2 Poems, and a Song (and a few other things) which I'll be publishing through Lulu. 1 Story... is a 54-page book which includes: Cartographer, Two Ten-Gallon Tales, Twang Scuffle, and a handful of little drawings. I expect to have it ready for you by May 1st.