Hey Gang-- So, if you have been visiting this blog for a little while, or if you just delve back into the older posts you'll notice a little blog project called the Face A Day Program. This lasted from January-August 2008, with a total of 198 drawings.
I've been thinking about how to go about following that up...and I've reached my solution: Music Makers and Their Sound Machines. What it amounts to is a musician a week. Once again its a Moleskine Sketchbook based project. But, this moleskine has nicer watercolor paper and is larger (5" X 8" compared to FAD's 3.5" X 5.5"). There won't be as many drawings, but my hope is to have better developed drawings and stories. Each musician will receive two pages--one for the story and one for the illustration.
I'll post a new musician every weekend beginning this February. Hope it's entertaining.