Welcome to the third exciting week of Music Makers and Their Sound Machines! ...Now that you've settled down, this week you'll be meeting Old Brown Suit. Looking for a little refresher on last week? Go here.
Train tracks
coal and steam
Old Brown Suit
A ship with no figurehead
pulls into the harbor
(I think every ship wants a figurehead).
In the very least
every scene should have a figurehead.
and the 1930s West City scene
had Old Brown Suit
Hand clapper
man about town
and when needed
got the night goin'
But a figurehead has no name
and nobody reissues their work
in the new century.

Train tracks
coal and steam
Old Brown Suit
A ship with no figurehead
pulls into the harbor
(I think every ship wants a figurehead).
In the very least
every scene should have a figurehead.
and the 1930s West City scene
had Old Brown Suit
Hand clapper
man about town
and when needed
got the night goin'
But a figurehead has no name
and nobody reissues their work
in the new century.
