I went along with it…

I went along with it—
(we all did…)
It's of little consequence now,
but I do regret that.

[Facebook bought Instagram last week and I suppose it's a fairly insignificant thing. Our country is based on the accumulation of wealth which leads to the accumulation of power …and let's face it, that's what most people want—Power (but more like this: POWER!!). It got me thinking about Facebook's face recognition software, then I thought about surveillance cameras at stop lights, and then I thought about Philip K. Dick. I thought about Minority Report and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sleep (and I thought of Blade Runner). Once I did that, I had to think of George Orwell and 1984! So we go along with all this for two reasons: we're terribly scared of anything new/different …we all want to be new/different and technology is that promise. I imagined us as a buffalo herd in a buffalo jump (us—to use the parlance of our times—the 99%) being corralled—you might say controlled—by a few (a few—to use the parlance of our times—the 1%). What would we (or a buffalo) be thinking upside down in mid-air having just run off the edge of a cliff? I imagine, possibly the text above, and if we had a few more seconds… perhaps we would couldn't think of a single event that lead to this current predicament, but  a series of insignificant things…
