Over the last couple months I've been trying out new materials and new ways of working. One process that's not new, but something I'm doing more effectively is thinking in layers or plates and using the computer to compile them like you would in a traditional printing process. I start by working up my "plates":

And then I digitize (scan) the plates:
Then I layer those two plates, adjusting the background plate's opacity:
Next I punch up the barn:
Next, I lay down a background color—in this case a gradient of color for a sunset:
Next is the foreground color:
Then I add in the highlights and you have the final image:
There's nothing new or groundbreaking happening here, if you are using Adobe products then you are familiar with layers. I've tended to produce a final drawing that I color on the computer. This is especially helpful with editorial work, since receiving edits is bound to happen. I suppose what's new(ish) for me here—not creating a whole image at once, but creating pieces and then compiling them to form the final image. The trick is holding that final image in your mind's eye along the way.