

Thump on his way to the Bottom Lounge to see Deerhoof


A new poster for Misters Landess and Mayes.

Important Bass Terms: No. 7 Mwah.

Some other important terms...

Important terms for bass guitar: no. 1, Thump.

Curio Logo

Torch Singer

Thump's Conversation of Groove

I had a buck in the drawer and a twenty in my wallet.

Quadruple Portrait!

Illustration for CS

These Remote Places: The Tall House in the Hills

A very sad mac lookin' Big Joe

Recording in Fields and Streets.

Sure, I remember you.

New Curio Poster


About a year later, I hit the scene.

You're in the desert in a trenchcoat and that's bad news.

This abstract landscape

New book

Space Aliens from Outer Space.

The Doughnut

Determining the Bolo Tie: Part One, Neck Tie.

Functional Fitness

Another Double Feature!

T & B watching TV

Buckley and Shape

Underwater Space Shuttle

When We Wander into Walt Whitman's Wide Open West.

Secluded Cabin Studio for Paul Klee

Gary: Music Maker

Torch Singer lettering